The 1st Conference of Youth in Agriculture of the Republic of Srpska is being held in Obudovac in the period 18-20 September 2024. and is intended for young agricultural producers and experts in the agricultural sector from all parts of the Republic of Srpska and beyond.

The conference will gather around 250 participants, where we want to promote the village and agriculture, influence the agrarian policy and improve the position of young people in agriculture, highlight the problems that bother us and announce the steps that we going to take in the future for a better social and business environment in the village, especially from the perspective of young people and their families.

Conditions for attending the Conference:

1. Residence in the territory of the Republic of Srpska (+Glamoč, Grahovo, Drvar);

2. Age: maximum 40 years;

3. Completed application form i

4. Paid registration fee* in the amount of 60 KM to the account of the organization Mreža mladih agropreduzetnika – MMA (by August 30, 2024 at the latest). Instructions for payment: Name: Mreža mladih agropreduzetnika; Bank account: 5620998188097190, NLB Bank, purpose of the payment: registration fee.

The registration fee includes: 1. Attendance at the Conference, 2. Free accommodation (two nights) and food (including the gala dinner), 3. Coffee breaks and refreshments, 4. Promotional material, 5. Transportation Obudovac-Bijeljina, 6. Ticket to the Interagro fair and the annual membership fee (2024) in the Organization Youth Agripreneurs Network.

The number of places at the Conference is limited, which is why the Organizing Committee will evaluate applications based on the data and motivation of potential participants, and we will be guided by the desire to achieve equal representation of young people from all parts of the Republic of Srpska and equal representation of both sexes.

After the applications have been received, the regional coordinators will contact each of the potential participants and agree on the details of transportation, accommodation, special requirements (eg food), payment of the registration fee, etc.

Application form: here. The call is open until August 20, 2024.

Thank you for signing up!

Youth Agripreneurs Network

*Persons who have paid the membership fee for 2024 are exempt from paying the registration fee.


065 754 185 – Bojana Petrović

065 837 547 – Vesna Vidović

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