Marko is an educational, employment and CSO expert and Project Training Academy (WE.T.A.) manager at Belgrade-based Western Balkans Institute. He is a pioneer in policy development on entrepereneurship education and training in Serbia. With 11 years of professional experience in developmental cooperation projects provided in Serbia and the Western Balkans through EU funds under IPA II, CBC, CBHE, and CSF programs, USAID, UNDP and Norwegian embassy and with 7 years spent in small business managment, Marko is highly resourceful project development, implementation and evaluation specialist as well as policy analyst with particular thematic focus on youth employment (raising youth employability, closing the gap between educational outcomes and labour market needs, creation of innovative youth services, e.g. one-stop shops at local level with mix of ALM measures available for different vulnarable youth, and entrepreneurship learning and promotion (policy implementation analysis in CSO participation in SBA monitoring and entreprenerial learning promotion, support to nonformal learning).