The first phase of the “Youth in Agriculture” campaign began on March 21, 2024. and ended on May 29, 2024. The campaign consisted of six workshops held in Banja Luka, Prijedor, Bijeljina, Ozren, East Sarajevo and Trebinje. The workshops consisted of presentations:

1. “Opportunities for young people through the READP project” i

2. “Youth in agriculture and the importance of their project literacy”.

At the same time, young agricultural producers or agronomists from the region where the workshop was held presented themselves at each workshop through presentations.

The goal of each workshop was to collect data on challenges, opportunities, problems and the general opinion and impression of young people in agriculture on trends in the agricultural sector, plans for the future, etc. Information is collected through:

– interactive work throughout the workshop and encouraging discussion,

– holding a discussion in the World Caffe format

– “online” survey consisting of 30 questions i

– informal lunch/networking

The first phase of the “Youth in Agriculture” campaign enabled:

– reaching over 150 young people in agriculture (agricultural producers and agronomists) throughout the Republic of Srpska and informing and networking them,

– familiarization with the needs of young people in agriculture and their plans for the future,

– defining the basic priorities of institutional action for a better position of young people in agriculture and agribusiness i

– strengthening the organization and positioning of the youth association in agriculture as an entity that will propose measures and advocate in favor of the youth.

The complete report on the implemented activities and results can be downloaded here:

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